Are you ready for May the 4th, aka Star Wars Day? I was looking for ideas to celebrate and found this awesome blog called DoodleCraftBlog on painting shoes for Star Wars. I looked around my house and I had all the things I needed (well, after looking for 45 minutes for the gold paint, which isn't where it was supposed to be and 15 minute trip to the store solved that...I'm sure to find the old bottle now).
I had a pair of shoes in the bin by the door that I slip on when I need to go outside to turn of the sprinkler or take out the trash. Just some cheap canvas shoes. If I had had lighter colored shoes, it would have been better--painting over the black was tricky.

Clean off the shoes (and by clean, I made sure there wasn't grass clippings still sticking to it). Use a foam brush to paint the shoe. I mixed my craft paint with a textile medium so that the paint will be more flexible (usually on the same racks as the craft paint). I ended up with about 3 coats to cover the canvas. I used a hair dryer to speed up the dry time between coats.

Just like on DoodleCraftBlog I sketched out the design with a Sharpie and painted the blue, red and then outlined everything with the black. The next morning I covered the paint on the decorated end with clear coat to protect the design.
Funny thing, I had stopped by a thrift store looking for another accessory for Star Wars Day and saw the exact same pumps that DoodleCraftBlog used (I was tempted to purchase, but I am highly unlikely to wear them all day at work--I'm more of a flats kind of person). I really enjoyed painting these shoes. I might do it again, maybe Disney!