If you've been to my blog before, you know I'm a runner. I enjoy 5Ks the most--they are fast and don't require the weeks of training that 1/2 marathons and marathons do. I like themed runs the best--and I do like Thanksgiving Fun Runs--helps me justify the 2nd piece of pie. My extended family is large and has quite a few little kiddos-enough that an organized race is probably more effort than everyone wants on a holiday (wrangling strollers, babies, toddlers, teenagers)-especially since I know we will try and do a whole family photo this weekend. Best to save the "be on your best behavior" bribes and threats for that event and not an early morning run. So I thought it might be fun to have just our family do a run. It means no traveling to a race early in the morning with little kids, no finding parking or waiting in the cold for the race to start. We'll just start at Grandma's house and run to a nearby park and back. Cocoa for when we get back. I'm guessing we'll have about 16 people in our group--no bigger than a run club--and we won't be on busy streets, so I'm not worried that we will cause a safety hazard for ourselves or drivers.
The best part about races is usually the t-shirt and the medal--so I made sure to get them for our race too--and they were cheap! For about the cost of 1 registration, I got everything for the entire group (well, I only did t-shirts for kids. I offered the vinyl decal for any adult who wanted to bring their own shirt).
I ordered some inexpensive finisher's medals from Crown Awards, made a simple design for a t-shirt on my Silhouette SD and designed some race bibs in Word.

Did you know that Dollar Tree has t-shirts? They are not usually high quality (although I have occasionally found overstocked nice tech shirts). For a family race, $1 shirts are perfect.

I found a clip art I liked and added some race numbers to the bib, which I printed on cardstock at home.
I'm off to the Dollar Store to find a couple prizes. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!