Do you remember the 1981 royal wedding (have a scrapbook perhaps?) So, its 30 years later, gulp, how did that happen? Friday is a National Holiday in England so that folks can celebrate the wedding of Wills & Kate--so at the very least, I had to do some crafting. Last week, for spring break, I was in Arizona and stopped in a cute little shop in Carefree, AZ (home of the World's 2nd Largest Sundial!) that had decked itself with all things royal or British. Check out this cute pillow. This cue'd my crafting mode. OK, I'm finally done, the wedding is in the morning and we're doing "crowns and cupcakes" tomorrow!
I started with the easy project...a quick sign for my frame that usually has my subway word art. Super easy and just cheesy enough right? (If you're going to print, remember to click on the thumbnail to bring up the full size image).

Princess Pillows and Freezer Paper
Next, an excuse to really make myself learn how to use my Silhouette SD...which I think I'll probably love, eventually, but the learning curve is STEEP (and it isn't the software that is the hard part...its getting the vinyl or paper to thread through, cut correctly and not get all jammed up). Argh. But after a few fits and starts I did manage to get a design of my own choosing loaded, cut on freezer paper and ready for use. Tip: set the thickness to 1 and the speed to 2 or 3 and place the paper on the carrier shiny side UP.
The freezer-paper-as-silk-screen-template is brilliant! You cut your shape out so that the shiny side of the paper will be face down. Place your cut out over your fabric and iron it in place. There is just enough wax on the paper to hold it in place. Since this project won't be going through the wash, I just used acrylic craft paint. Go super light on the paint and just go over the spots multiple times (this will help prevent paint from seeping under the edges of the template). I put some newsprint between layers of fabric to avoid bleed-through. I pulled the paper off when the paint was dry enough not to smear. I had so much fun I did it again (but I used an old skirt for the fabric and blinged it out with some rhinestones!).
Go slowly with the paint, especially around the edges.
Burlap remnant from JoAnne's $1.43 (enough for 4 pillows), stuffing I already had.
Ivory/green printed linen skirt a $4 thrift store find, pillow form I already had.
London Bobby Pins
Next-I love hair accessories, so when I spotted some blank bobby pins with a bezel (shallow pad that you can add decorations to) at the Hobby Lobby (on sale! $1.19 pkg) I knew I needed some--and I'll be wearing mine tomorrow for sure. I printed some royal graphics with my laser jet. I used Microsoft Word to insert the images and re-sized them. The square is 5/8", so re-size the image on your computer to .625 for both the width and height. The round one is 1/2", BUT I had to re-size the circle to .55 inches. Cut out the images, brush a thin layer of glue on the back of the image (not in the box on the pin) and press it into place--I needed to use a small rectangle of plastic to get the corners in firmly. Let dry, then fill the wells up with Judy's Diamond Glaze and let dry (I used some playdough as a base to keep the pin level and unmoving). Ta-da! Office appropriate wedding celebration accessories :)
Above: After I puddled the Diamond Glaze (fill it up so that it nearly spills out of the top)

Here are some graphics that you can print and use:

Royal Cupcakes
OK, this was my first experience with marshmallow fondant, and it was pretty nice to work with but I wish I had come up with the ring cupcake first--so, so much easier and faster than the Union Jack. Oh well...they taste yummy too! If you want to do some of your own tasty treats, you really should make the fondant the day before, so here's the link to the recipe
Little Princesses

Wait, we're not done yet! I got a link from my Disney Rewards account with a couple of super cute printables for the younger princesses at your house. Check out the Princess Kate paper doll and tiara