Many of you may not know that my day job is as a science specialist for a school district--and I'm also the really cool aunt who shares fun science stuff with my nieces and nephews. I thought I'd share this fun collection of Science Activities with you (maybe you will try some out over Spring Break!) I'm a big believer in capitalizing on children's natural curiosity about even the most common of things. There is a lot of science to be learned from your kitchen, your bathroom or your backyard!
Austin Children's Museum
The Exploratorium at San Francisco
Utah Education Network online educational games
The Science Spot (middle school)
Shrinky Dinks (a great lesson on conservation of mass or physical changes)
Some of my favorite books with science learning activities for kids are:
Batteries, Bulbs and Wires by David Glover
Teaching Chemistry with Toys by Terrific Science Press
Exploring Matter with Toys
Investigating Solids, Liquids and Gases with Toys