Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cornmeal Pancakes

Every good thing I've ever learned to cook probably started with some help from my mom...and these pancakes are no exception. I got to visit last weekend and she made these very yummy pancakes for breakfast (how great is it that even with just me around, she does a full Saturday morning breakfast--love you Mom!)

1/2 C. all purpose flour
1/2 C. corn meal
1 T. baking powder
1 T. sugar
1 egg
4 T. melted butter
1 C. buttermilk (don't keep it in the house? Make your own by adding the juice of 1/2 lemon to a cup of milk)

Mix up the dry ingredients, then add the wet ingredients (if you are making your own buttermilk, do that first so it has a chance to curdle before you add it to the bowl).

On a medium-hot griddle, spray with non-stick spray and pour the batter. Just like regular pancakes, let it cook until the bubbles stop and the edges are dry. Flip and finish cooking through. This made ten 4" pancakes (what I would call normal size).

I topped mine with boysenberry syrup, but my mom makes a tasty "semi-homemade" blueberry syrup. She takes 1 cup of maple syrup (the fake kind actual works better than the real stuff) and adds a 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries. Bring to a simmer on the stove, add 1 tsp of good vanilla and then pour over the pancakes.

The pancakes are a cross between cornbread muffins and pancakes. Just so, so tasty!

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