Friday, March 25, 2011

Bedroom Update

I've been continuing to tweak my bedroom remodel. I thought I was going to get all new bed linens, but the new headboard made things look so much better, that I decided to recycle what I already had.
I have also been trying to figure out if I could put some kind of photos or pictures above the bed, and then I ran into these "wall stickers" at TJ Maxx. I haven't ever done any of the vinyl decoration around the house, but this set of stickers was only $9.99 and in the perfect colors, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

Couple of things about the stickers. The package says they are repositionable, but they are not. The pieces that I placed exactly in the right spot the first time are doing great, but the ones I moved around a couple times gave me some grief.

I picked up the silver-tone frame from my mom's house, now I just need to decide what to put in it.

1 comment:

  1. Jody, glad to hear that you have time to read blogs again!


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