Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Fast Ramen Noodle Upgrade


I'll admit to still eating ramen noodles from time to time--you know the kind you ate in college because they cost .10?  Yeah, those ramen.  I have an upgrade for you today, and it won't take much more time than just tearing open the spice packet. I buy the carrot shreds at the store all the time to add to salads, but you could use the cheese grater to grate your own.  I prefer napa cabbage in this recipe, but I didn't have any on hand, so I sliced regular green cabbage super thin and it worked out great. I am super lazy when it comes to garlic and ginger--I buy it already chopped up in the squeeze bottles you find in the produce section.  Makes it easy to always have ingredients on a hand for a quick stir fry.

Serves 1 as a meal, but if you added some potstickers on the side (hello, Costco frozen ones are awesome), you could stretch this to two servings.  Easy to double.


1 package of ramen noodles (do not use spice packet)

2 cloves garlic, minced

1/4 tsp. ginger, minced (I use the squeeze bottle from the produce section)

1/4 C. shredded carrot

1/2 C. thinly sliced cabbage (napa or green)

1 head baby bok choy, sliced crosswise (about 1 cup)


1/2 Tbs each of dark soy sauce  and low sodium soy sauce (or just 1 total Tbs of whatever soy sauce you have)

1 Tbs sweet chili sauce

1/4 tsp sesame oil

Sriacha to taste (opt)-I like about 1/4 tsp


Green onion


sesame seeds

Start cooking your ramen noodles in boiling water.  Heat up a medium non-stick skillet with 1 Tbs vegetable oil over medium heat.  Add the garlic and ginger to hot oil and stir for about 10 seconds until fragrant and then add the vegetables.  Saute for 3-5 minutes until veggies are soft but not soggy.  Add the cooked noodles (make sure to drain them first)) and add the sauce.  Heat for about 1 minute and garnish with chopped green onion, cilantro and sesame seeds if you like. 

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