Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Cleaning Out

Do you ever walk into a room in your house and just wonder "where did all this stuff come from?"  I do.  I know I'm supposed to get rid of something in my closet if I bring something new home, but I don't (or I plan to and forget).  So I've got way more stuff than I need and I'm not waiting until the New Year or Spring to get started on getting rid of it.  I saw several other blog posts on keeping your de-cluttering process small and manageable.  I'm not even planning at organizing stuff--just getting rid of stuff.  I suspect the organization will happen pretty much by itself when I don't have items towering or falling out of the closet. 

So, I sat down and made a list of places in my house that could probably use a de-junking.  The list is LONG.  But that is ok.  I'm not going to make myself do a space every day, but I did make the spaces small enough that I can do one in a reasonable amount of time.

Supplies I'll need:
Lots of old grocery bags or trash bags
Camera/paper pencil to document items I'm donating for tax purposes

Anybody else want to try it?

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