Sunday, April 28, 2013

Vanilla Cupcakes with Marshmallow Cream Cheese Frosting

Each year for my birthday, this is the cake I wait for.  It is a deliciously dense and moist white cake, with lots of frosting, served with whip cream and fresh berries.  When I asked my friend Georgia for the recipe, she just says "oh, I don't know, I just add stuff til its right." Uh huh.  I need to follow her around with the video camera!

So, this is my version of the cake-not quite as dense as Georgia's but still pretty darn tasty.  Usually, it gets made as a bundt cake, but I don't have a bundt pan (I know, you are wondering how I could be missing this important too).  So, I did cupcakes instead.  Faster, and easy to share.

1 white cake mix
1 C. water
1/2 C. oil
3 whole eggs
3/4 C. sour cream

Mix it up and bake for about 20 minutes for cupcakes (about 45 for a bundt...check the cake mix box).  The top of the cake should spring back, or a toothpick should come out pretty clean.

1 stick (1/2 C.) real butter, softened but not too soft
1/2 pkg. cream cheese, softened
1/2  jar marshmallow cream
3 C. powdered sugar
1-2 Tbs. milk

Beat the butter, cream cheese, marshmallow and powdered sugar in the KitchenAid with the paddle mixer (start on low so you don't get powdered sugar all over the kitchen).  Add 1 Tbs of milk and whip.  Add more milk if you think the frosting is still too thick.

Once the cake has cooled, frost, then serve with whip cream (or ice cream) and fresh berries (although a mix of those frozen berries from Costco is a good substitute).


  1. That frosting sounds delicious! I've never had any frosting like that, I'll have to try it out sometime, it sounds like the perfect topping for a vanilla cupcake! YUM!!

  2. Thanks Maria! The frosting is really good. My mom says she's experimented and tried it with a whole container of marshmallow cream and cut back on the milk. I might next time too.


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