Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Another Ruffley T-Shirt Redo

I have really enjoyed the last ruffle t-shirt that I made, so when I came across Tea Rose's blog, I knew I had to give this one a go. I hit the Downeast Clearance Center (the one in West Valley is HUGE, but be prepared for a treasure hunt, since you never know what will be there) and got 2 identical T-shirts for only $2.50 each. I had to laugh when I wore the shirt to work today; when people asked where I got it, I said I'd made it and every time the response was "no way!"

I followed Tea Rose's instructions pretty much as is, but when I placed my large ruffles on the t-shirt I spaced them only 1 1/4" inches apart instead of 1 1/2". I used my rotary cutter to make short work of the strips. I've got another project in mind for the leftover shirt fabric. Rather than give you all the step by step here, I'll just send you over to Tea Rose's site (and she has lots of other T-shirt projects).

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