Thursday, July 21, 2016

Coconut Chia Pudding

I've been wanting to try the chia pudding trend--the images on Pinterest all look so tasty, but I was worried that looks would be deceiving and I'd be sad to waste good ingredients.  As luck would have it, I was waiting for a flight and the cafe near my gate was a place called Naked Food with all kinds of whole food choices, including a chia pudding with mangoes. It was a worthy purchase--it was so tasty!  So I headed home to replicate it at home with great success.

This stuff is super simple, and while I've only tried it with the coconut milk, other recipes around the internet use all kinds of milks.

2 C. coconut milk (I used canned full fat Thai coconut milk, not the box kind)
1/2 C. chia seed
1 tsp. vanilla
1 packet of stevia

Whisk it all together and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.  The seeds swell and gel the liquid, but mine stayed a bit crunchy.  Top with fruit and enjoy.  I divided it into 6 servings. I hear that if you have a super blender, you can puree the mix before refrigerating and you'll end up with a smooth pudding.  Maybe I'll try that (and maybe I'll try the box coconut milk and some chocolate).