Monday, October 5, 2015

Super Light Packing

You already know by now that I enjoy traveling and I pack light.  I challenged myself last month for my lightest packing adventure yet.  I was heading to Disneyland--my flight would get me there around 10:00am and my return was the next night around dinner.  Often I stay at a hotel just across the entrance, but this time I did Hotwire and ended up about a mile from the park.  Not that far, but I didn't want to take a shuttle/cab to the hotel, check in early and leave a bag and then get myself to the park (and the reverse would be true the next day--I'd give up park time to head back to to the hotel to get my bag before the airport).  I could have rented a locker at Disneyland for $7 a day both days, but like I said--packing light challenge.  So, how much do you really need for a 32 hour trip?  Turns out, not too much.

I realize that this method probably doesn't work when traveling with small kids, but some of the tips could help cut down on a few things.  I'm a believer of "buy it there if you need it" rather than throwing in everything just in case.  You rarely end up needing it. 

So, here's what I took:
1 regular size cross-body purse
1 t shirt
1 pr underwear
Rain jacket (it folds up into its own pocket, from LL Bean)
Make up:  mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow stick, sponge, blush, moisturizer (I rarely wear more than that anyway)
Hair pick, ribbon and elastic
I wore the same pants and the same shoes both days--I do that at home all the time--don't you? No?  Oh well, the jig is up for me then.

Here's how I compacted my toiletries.  You know those tiny zip bags that extra buttons come in when you buy new clothes?  I used those.  I had enough moisturizer for bedtime and getting ready.  For the deodorant, I sliced off a bit and smooshed it around in the zipper bag--then split the bag wide open when I used it and rubbed it on my skin.  Too "redneck"?  Maybe--but it worked.  My toothbrush came prepasted (it was like dehydrated paste, but you could just use a mini zipper bag).  I also did a bag with medicine.  As a bonus, the toothbrush was disposable and the mascara was at its end, so I tossed them before I came home.  Hotels come with shampoo and conditioner, so for one night--it works. 

That's it.  Two days, no luggage and a purse smaller than my everyday bag.  I brought home more than I took with a few souvenirs (it is Disney after all).  I enjoyed every moment in the park!